Opening Hours of the dormitory’s Financial Office

Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday: 08.00-11.00 and 13.00-15.00

Friday: 08.00-12.00

The order of moving out from the dormitory:

  • Take the releasing sheet from the reception (residents of building “A” at the reception “A”, resident of building “B” or “C” at the reception “C”), then fill it (name, room number, Neptun code).
  • Bring the releasing sheet to the dormitory’s library where the librarian will prove that you do not owe any book.
  • The dormitory inspector on duty must officially take back the room and its inventory on the day before moving out in the Financial Office. You must arrange it with the inspector on duty on the day before (!) moving out, between 17:00-22:00.
  • You can move out only if possess the releasing sheet completed with the signatures of the inspector on duty and the librarian, in the Financial Office within the office hours, on Monday-Thursday between 8-11 and 13-15, on Friday between 8-12.



WiFi is available in every building, but you can also connect to the internet via cable. You need to have a UTP cable (and even an adapter if your notebook doesn’t have an ethernet port). Please, contact the network administrator at in case you wish to borrow an UTP cable or need any technical support.

To use the internet without limits, you need to register (e.g. Discord, Whatsapp can be used only if you are registered). For further information please visit this page:


Magnetic Stripe Card

The dormitory has an entrance controll system (speedgates) which is working with magnetic stripe card. Every tenant of the dormitory has a magnetic stripe card which is very important because it proves to the receptionist that you live in this dorm and you can get through the speedgates with it.  Every card has a number that we have to register. Because of this you can use this card after 24 hours the registration. The receptionist can let through to the controll gates while your card doesn’t work.

This card costs 1400 HUF and you have to buy it in the Financial Office. 


Reception, entrance gate

The reception is open and available 24/7. The entrance gate of the dormitory is also open from 07.00 to 23.00. From 23.00 to 07.00 the gate is closed but you can open it with your card or you can ring the bell and the receptionist open the gate for you.



If your room is a single bedroom, you will receive 3 keys, one for the entrance door, one for your room, and a small one for your cupboard in your room. If your room is a double bedroom, you will receive 2 keys, one for your room and a small one for your cupboard.



The nearest changer (it is called The IBUS travel office) where you can change money is on the opposite side of the street.



In the single bedroom’s entrance hall you can find a fridge which you have to share with your neighbour next to your room. In the double bedroom you can also find a fridge which you have to share with your roomate.



On the 4th and on the 8th floor you can find those rooms where you can wash your laundry. The rooms called „Mosókonyha” in Hungarian, you can see this word on the door. We have 4 washing-machines and 4 tumble-dryers. The tumble-dryer is free, but the washing-machine works with token. The token costs 200 HUF and you can buy it on the ground floor at the reception, where you can find a slot machine.

If you would like to wash you will write yourself in the timetable.



On every floor next to the kitchen you can find a room where you can dispose of the trash.



On every floor you can find a kitchen with a microwave and gas-cookers, which you can use. There are no dishes and cutlery, all tenants of the dormitory use their own tableware.


Receiving guests

You can accomodate your guest in your room. The price is 1000 HUF for one day, you have to pay this price at the reception “B” after that you fill in the guest’s registration form.


Receiving letters or packages

You can pick up letters or packages that you received at the reception, you have to tell your name to the receptionist and he can give you these. On the ground floor you can find a letterbox where your names will be displayed alphabetical order according to your family names, and here you can find your letters.


Shopping opportunities

▪ INTERSPAR (supermarket) is not too far from the dormitory. You have to travel in the direction of the center (to the east) by bus 53, 154, 150 to the final station. Over there you can find the supermarket that is open to 21.00.

How can you get to the university from the dormitory?

Faculty of Humanities (1088, Museum Blvd. 4-6.)

If you go through the overpass (footbridge), you can see the bus stop. You can travel by bus number 108E. If you choose this bus, you will have to get off at the 5th stop (it is called Astoria) where you can find the university next to the Burger King. You can travel by bus number 108E from Monday to Friday from 6.30 a.m. to 8.30 a.m. and from 14.45 p.m. to 17.45 p.m. 

You can travel by other buses. You can also take bus number 139 to Déli pályaudvar or Széll Kálmán tér, where you can transfer to Metro line 2 and travel to Astoria.

You can travel by bus number 53, 154, 150. The final station of these buses is Újbuda központ, where you have to get off and you have to transfer to tram number 47. You have to travel by this bus 6 stops. The 6th one is Astoria.

Faculty of Social Scienes or Faculty of Informatics (1117, Péter Pázmány Promenade 1/A)

If you go through the overpass (footbridge), you can see the bus stop. You can travel by bus number 53, 150, 154. The final station of these buses is Újbuda központ where you have to get off and you have to transfer to the yellow coloured tram number 4. You have to travel by this tram 2 stops. The 2nd stop is Petőfi Bridge, where you have to get off. If you go to the opposite side of the street and go across the Undergraduate Park (it is called Egyetemisták parkja in Hungarian), you can find the university at the end of this park, roughly 200 metres from the station.

Faculty of Law (1053, Egyetem Square 1-3.)

If you go through the overpass (footbridge), you can see the bus station. You can travel by bus number 53, 154, 150. The final station of these buses is Újbuda központ, where you have to get off and you have to transfer to the yellow coloured tram number 47. You have to travel by this tram 5 stops. The 5th stop is Kálvin square where you have to get off. After that you have to go through Kecskeméti Street which leads you to the university.

You can also take bus number 154 to the opposite direction (Kelenföldi pályaudvar), where you can transfer Metro line 4 and travel to Kálvin square.


Sport opportunities in the dormitory

We have a basketball ground and a football ground which is available for all tenants of the dormitory. If you would like to use these, you can ask for their keys from the reception in return of your student card. (basketball ground’s key is at the reception of building A; football ground’s key is at the reception of building B-C). The grounds are free.

We also have a gym in the basement in bulilding B. If you would like to use it, you can ask its key at the reception in return of your student card.


How can you apply for permanent residence?

If you would like to get a permanent residence you will have to go to the Immigration and Nationality Office. (This office called in Hungarian Bevándorlási és Állampolgársági Hivatal). In this office the foreign students can register their temporary address and apply for pemanent residence.

Address: Budafoki street 60. (Sztregova alley)

Opening Hours:

Monday: 8.30-13.00

Tuesday: 13.00-18.00

Wednesday: 8.30-12.00

Thursday: 8.30-13.00

Friday: 8.30-12.00

How can you get to the office?

In the Móricz Zsigmond square you have to get on the bus 33. You have to get off the 5th stop (Hengermalom street). The office is only a short distance from this stop.

▪ Office routine: If you don’t want to stand in a line for a long time and if you want a quick office routine you will make an appointment online on the website of Immigration and Nationality Office

First step is the registration online. Second step is to fix an appointment.

What should you do?

In the office you have to fill in the registration sheet. With this registration sheet you have to come to the Financial Office of the dorm and here we can give you a sign and a stamp for this sheet. We can also give you a verification which proves that you are one of the tenant of the dorm. With this verification you have to go to the Immigration and Nationality Office and over there you get a permanent residence.


Enjoy your staying in our dormitory!